JouleX, founded in 2009 and introduced to the world in April 2010, provides enterprises with the ability to monitor, analyze, and manage energy usage for any network connected device or system (e.g. PCs, monitors, printers, routers, switches, and IP-Based HVAC and lighting systems). Their system requires no software agents or end-devices. Instead, it simply sits within an enterprise’s IT network and records where the power consumption is occurring.
Like many other energy management platforms, the JouleX Energy Manager (JEM) provides a dashboard where users can run scenarios and identify opportunities to reduce energy costs. They even allow firms to set up energy-efficient policies. For example, one JouleX customer has coordinated employee badge-in and badge-out with powering up and powering down that employee’s PC and printer. According to JouleX, cost-savings from implementation of JEM can reach as high as 60%.
How is JouleX integrating smart phone technology?
The JouleX Mobile Employee Energy Management App provides employees with two key functionalities. First, it allows employees to track how much electricity, money, and carbon their efforts have saved for the company. Some firms have set up internal competitions to promote greater engagement. Second, in an attempt to resolve the problem of the Prius Effect discussed in my previous post, the app allows employees to automate certain actions. As an example, an employee can implement a setting that will power down their computer once their mobile device is a certain distance (say 2 miles) away. Employees can also remotely control any of the devices associated with their account, powering down a PC or turning off lights when a meeting is running long. I've included a few screenshots of the application below:
As the processing power of mobile devices improves, one could image an application which allows building operations managers to walk the floors with a tablet device and adjust lighting conditions, increase temperature, and power down unused devices based on what she sees. Given that 25-40%(1) of energy consumed is due to waste, the cost-savings from such activities would certainly justify the investment. For JouleX customers, an average $10,000 investment results in a 30% reduction in energy consumption “strictly by focusing on personal productivity device power management(1).” Most customers see a return on this investment within 3-6 months.
As the mobile technology matures, the investment will likely become even more attractive.
I will be keeping an eye on JouleX. Watch the video below if you want to learn more.
(1) The 1M/1M Deal Radad: JouleX, Atlanta, Georgia/Munich And Kassel, Germany. Accessed April 23,2011
(2) Photos taken from
Who would not want to work at a company, where you do not have to wait for PC to recover after opening and going through all those "welcome to microsoft" "id&password" processes and open all start-up applications. Or, you do not have to wait for a printer to warm up and function smoothly. Beside energy saving benefits, such an application will increase employee morale by preparing everything beforehand.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. Landgraf for bringing into table such a mouthwatering work environment.